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Sunday, April 26, 2020

Weekly Pivot April 27, 2020 Part 2

High 0.61295 1.41814 0.97715 108.038
Low 0.59203 1.38548 0.96546 107.274
Close 0.60262 1.40069 0.97620 107.449
Pivot Point 0.60253 1.40144 0.97294 107.587
Classic Pivot
R1 0.61304 1.41739 0.98041 107.900
R2 0.62345 1.43410 0.98463 108.351
R3 0.63396 1.45005 0.99210 108.664
R4 0.64437 1.46676 0.99632 109.115
S1 0.59212 1.38473 0.96872 107.136
S2 0.58161 1.36878 0.96125 106.823
S3 0.57120 1.35207 0.95703 106.372
S4 0.56069 1.33612 0.94956 106.059
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 0.61048 1.41385 0.97738 107.877
R61 0.61529 1.42136 0.98007 108.053
R78 0.61885 1.42691 0.98205 108.183
R100 0.62345 1.43410 0.98463 108.351
R138 0.63140 1.44651 0.98907 108.641
R161 0.63621 1.45402 0.99176 108.817
R200 0.64437 1.46676 0.99632 109.115
S38 0.59458 1.38903 0.96849 107.297
S61 0.58977 1.38151 0.96581 107.121
S78 0.58622 1.37596 0.96382 106.991
S100 0.58161 1.36878 0.96125 106.823
S138 0.57366 1.35637 0.95680 106.533
S161 0.56885 1.34885 0.95412 106.357
S200 0.56069 1.33612 0.94956 106.059

Weekly Pivot April 27, 2020 Part 1

High 1738.65 0.64438 1.08959 1.2498
Low 1659.35 0.62631 1.07262 1.22461
Close 1726.59 0.63593 1.08218 1.23525
Pivot Point 1708.20 0.63554 1.08146 1.23655
Classic Pivot
R1 1757.04 0.64477 1.09031 1.24850
R2 1787.50 0.65361 1.09843 1.26174
R3 1836.34 0.66284 1.10728 1.27369
R4 1866.80 0.67168 1.11540 1.28693
S1 1677.74 0.62670 1.07334 1.22331
S2 1628.90 0.61747 1.06449 1.21136
S3 1598.44 0.60863 1.05637 1.19812
S4 1549.60 0.59940 1.04752 1.18617
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 1738.33 0.64241 1.08791 1.24613
R61 1756.57 0.64656 1.09182 1.25192
R78 1770.05 0.64963 1.09470 1.25620
R100 1787.50 0.65361 1.09843 1.26174
R138 1817.63 0.66048 1.10488 1.27132
R161 1835.87 0.66463 1.10879 1.27711
R200 1866.80 0.67168 1.11540 1.28693
S38 1678.06 0.62867 1.07501 1.22698
S61 1659.82 0.62452 1.07111 1.22119
S78 1646.34 0.62145 1.06823 1.21691
S100 1628.90 0.61747 1.06449 1.21136
S138 1598.76 0.61060 1.05804 1.20179
S161 1580.52 0.60645 1.05414 1.19600
S200 1549.60 0.59940 1.04752 1.18617

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Weekly Pivot April 20, 2020 Part 2

High 0.61295 1.41814 0.97231 108.517
Low 0.59203 1.38548 0.95898 106.923
Close 0.60262 1.40069 0.96649 107.516
Pivot Point 0.60253 1.40144 0.96593 107.652
Classic Pivot
R1 0.61304 1.41739 0.97287 108.381
R2 0.62345 1.43410 0.97926 109.246
R3 0.63396 1.45005 0.98620 109.975
R4 0.64437 1.46676 0.99259 110.840
S1 0.59212 1.38473 0.95954 106.787
S2 0.58161 1.36878 0.95260 106.058
S3 0.57120 1.35207 0.94621 105.193
S4 0.56069 1.33612 0.93927 104.464
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 0.61048 1.41385 0.97099 108.258
R61 0.61529 1.42136 0.97406 108.624
R78 0.61885 1.42691 0.97632 108.895
R100 0.62345 1.43410 0.97926 109.246
R138 0.63140 1.44651 0.98432 109.852
R161 0.63621 1.45402 0.98739 110.218
R200 0.64437 1.46676 0.99259 110.840
S38 0.59458 1.38903 0.96086 107.046
S61 0.58977 1.38151 0.95780 106.680
S78 0.58622 1.37596 0.95553 106.409
S100 0.58161 1.36878 0.95260 106.058
S138 0.57366 1.35637 0.94753 105.452
S161 0.56885 1.34885 0.94447 105.086
S200 0.56069 1.33612 0.93927 104.464

Weekly Pivot April 20, 2020 Part 1

High 1747.06 0.64438 1.09892 1.26465
Low 1673.72 0.62631 1.08112 1.24059
Close 1682.23 0.63593 1.08703 1.24972
Pivot Point 1701.00 0.63554 1.08902 1.25165
Classic Pivot
R1 1728.29 0.64477 1.09693 1.26272
R2 1774.34 0.65361 1.10682 1.27571
R3 1801.63 0.66284 1.11473 1.28678
R4 1847.68 0.67168 1.12462 1.29977
S1 1654.95 0.62670 1.07913 1.23866
S2 1627.66 0.61747 1.07122 1.22759
S3 1581.61 0.60863 1.06133 1.21460
S4 1554.32 0.59940 1.05342 1.20353
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 1728.87 0.64241 1.09579 1.26080
R61 1745.74 0.64656 1.09988 1.26633
R78 1758.21 0.64963 1.10291 1.27042
R100 1774.34 0.65361 1.10682 1.27571
R138 1802.21 0.66048 1.11359 1.28486
R161 1819.08 0.66463 1.11768 1.29039
R200 1847.68 0.67168 1.12462 1.29977
S38 1673.13 0.62867 1.08226 1.24251
S61 1656.27 0.62452 1.07817 1.23698
S78 1643.80 0.62145 1.07514 1.23289
S100 1627.66 0.61747 1.07122 1.22759
S138 1599.79 0.61060 1.06446 1.21845
S161 1582.93 0.60645 1.06037 1.21292
S200 1554.32 0.59940 1.05342 1.20353

Sunday, April 12, 2020

Weekly Pivot April 13, 2020 Part 2

High 0.60614 1.43483 0.97949 109.376
Low 0.58425 1.40042 0.95002 108.201
Close 0.58562 1.41935 0.97542 108.371
Pivot Point 0.59200 1.41820 0.96831 108.649
Classic Pivot
R1 0.59976 1.43598 0.98660 109.098
R2 0.61389 1.45261 0.99778 109.824
R3 0.62165 1.47039 1.01607 110.273
R4 0.63578 1.48702 1.02725 110.999
S1 0.57787 1.40157 0.95713 107.923
S2 0.57011 1.38379 0.93884 107.474
S3 0.55598 1.36716 0.92766 106.748
S4 0.54822 1.34938 0.90937 106.299
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 0.60032 1.43128 0.97951 109.096
R61 0.60536 1.43919 0.98629 109.366
R78 0.60908 1.44504 0.99130 109.566
R100 0.61389 1.45261 0.99778 109.824
R138 0.62221 1.46569 1.00898 110.271
R161 0.62725 1.47360 1.01576 110.541
R200 0.63578 1.48702 1.02725 110.999
S38 0.58369 1.40512 0.95711 108.203
S61 0.57865 1.39721 0.95033 107.933
S78 0.57493 1.39136 0.94532 107.733
S100 0.57011 1.38379 0.93884 107.474
S138 0.56180 1.37071 0.92764 107.028
S161 0.55676 1.36280 0.92086 106.758
S200 0.54822 1.34938 0.90937 106.299

Weekly Pivot April 13, 2020 Part 1

High 1690.30 0.62129 1.09409 1.24858
Low 1607.60 0.59792 1.07676 1.21646
Close 1682.34 0.59904 1.09345 1.24464
Pivot Point 1660.08 0.60608 1.08810 1.23656
Classic Pivot
R1 1712.56 0.61425 1.09944 1.25666
R2 1742.78 0.62945 1.10543 1.26868
R3 1795.26 0.63762 1.11677 1.28878
R4 1825.48 0.65282 1.12276 1.30080
S1 1629.86 0.59088 1.08211 1.22454
S2 1577.38 0.58271 1.07077 1.20444
S3 1547.16 0.56751 1.06478 1.19242
S4 1494.68 0.55934 1.05344 1.17232
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 1691.51 0.61496 1.09469 1.24877
R61 1710.53 0.62034 1.09867 1.25615
R78 1724.59 0.62431 1.10162 1.26161
R100 1742.78 0.62945 1.10543 1.26868
R138 1774.21 0.63833 1.11202 1.28089
R161 1793.23 0.64371 1.11600 1.28827
R200 1825.48 0.65282 1.12276 1.30080
S38 1628.65 0.59720 1.08151 1.22435
S61 1609.63 0.59183 1.07753 1.21697
S78 1595.57 0.58785 1.07458 1.21151
S100 1577.38 0.58271 1.07077 1.20444
S138 1545.95 0.57383 1.06418 1.19223
S161 1526.93 0.56846 1.06020 1.18485
S200 1494.68 0.55934 1.05344 1.17232

Thursday, April 9, 2020

Playing Darkest Dungeon

"The light the promise of safety..."

Ever since the lock down / quarantine due to the Corona Virus, been looking for a way to pass some time in between working hours and family time to relieve myself of stress. I've come up with finishing some of the backlogs that I have. Since, I can't finish the jigsaw puzzles I have due to the kids playing and running around the house the next best step is to finish some of the backlog video games that I have. Darkest Dungeon is the one of the games that I have that I haven't finished I remember having a saved game from my old computer wherein I was almost done with it but since my hard disk got trashed I have to start from scratch again. will be starting this game again and with the updates that has been done to the game one of my favorite combos (Jester build solo and finale) isn't viable anymore. This rpg game has its own charm as to how to build your characters and adjust their quirks (good and bad) and how you would handle their stress. Even if you have built an optimal party, the dungeon can still f**k you up with the crits, damage, stress and affliction the monsters would throw at you. Imagine how frustrated you'd be once your champion level heroes gets killed in a single adventure due to a wrong turn of events.

Below is the link to the official trailer of the game from way back 2015

Sunday, April 5, 2020

Weekly Pivot April 6, 2020 Part 2

High 0.60680 1.45588 0.99001 108.720
Low 0.55876 1.39206 0.95022 106.911
Close 0.60324 1.39722 0.95077 108.432
Pivot Point 0.58960 1.41505 0.96367 108.021
Classic Pivot
R1 0.62044 1.43805 0.97711 109.131
R2 0.63764 1.47887 1.00346 109.830
R3 0.66848 1.50187 1.01690 110.940
R4 0.68568 1.54269 1.04325 111.639
S1 0.57240 1.37423 0.93732 107.322
S2 0.54156 1.35123 0.92388 106.212
S3 0.52436 1.31041 0.89753 105.513
S4 0.49352 1.28741 0.88409 104.403
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 0.60786 1.43930 0.97879 108.708
R61 0.61890 1.45398 0.98794 109.124
R78 0.62707 1.46483 0.99470 109.432
R100 0.63764 1.47887 1.00346 109.830
R138 0.65590 1.50312 1.01858 110.517
R161 0.66694 1.51780 1.02773 110.933
R200 0.68568 1.54269 1.04325 111.639
S38 0.57134 1.39080 0.94855 107.334
S61 0.56030 1.37612 0.93939 106.918
S78 0.55213 1.36527 0.93263 106.610
S100 0.54156 1.35123 0.92388 106.212
S138 0.52330 1.32698 0.90876 105.525
S161 0.51226 1.31230 0.89960 105.109
S200 0.49352 1.28741 0.88409 104.403

Weekly Pivot April 6, 2020 Part 1

High 1633.91 0.61996 1.11433 1.24746
Low 1565.34 0.56983 1.11043 1.22038
Close 1614.86 0.61624 1.11310 1.22669
Pivot Point 1604.70 0.60201 1.11262 1.23151
Classic Pivot
R1 1644.07 0.63419 1.11481 1.24264
R2 1673.27 0.65214 1.11652 1.25859
R3 1712.64 0.68432 1.11871 1.26972
R4 1741.84 0.70227 1.12042 1.28567
S1 1575.50 0.58406 1.11091 1.21556
S2 1536.13 0.55188 1.10872 1.20443
S3 1506.93 0.53393 1.10701 1.18848
S4 1467.56 0.50175 1.10482 1.17735
Fibonacci Pivot
R38 1630.76 0.62106 1.11410 1.24180
R61 1646.53 0.63259 1.11500 1.24803
R78 1658.19 0.64111 1.11566 1.25263
R100 1673.27 0.65214 1.11652 1.25859
R138 1699.33 0.67119 1.11800 1.26888
R161 1715.10 0.68272 1.11890 1.27511
R200 1741.84 0.70227 1.12042 1.28567
S38 1578.65 0.58296 1.11114 1.22122
S61 1562.88 0.57143 1.11024 1.21499
S78 1551.22 0.56291 1.10958 1.21039
S100 1536.13 0.55188 1.10872 1.20443
S138 1510.08 0.53283 1.10724 1.19414
S161 1494.31 0.52130 1.10634 1.18791
S200 1467.56 0.50175 1.10482 1.17735